MedDev’s eyelid closure products provide a gravity-assisted treatment, both surgical and non-surgical, to treat the condition of lagophthalmos in patients who have lost the full closing function of one or both eyelids.
Surgical Treatment
Definitive Treatment to Reduce Risk of Ocular Exposure in Facial Paralysis

The Contour® Eyelid Weight Implant features a proprietary three-dimensional design that conforms to the curvature of the ocular globe.

The ThinProfile® Eyelid Weight Implant is noticeably thinner than the popular Contour implant. The design features a 35% reduction in implant thickness.
Non-Surgical Treatment
Immediate, non-invasive supportive eye care

Blinkeze® External Lid Weights are a non-invasive option to providing supportive eye care for patients suffering from facial paralysis. Blinkeze can be used in patients with temporary paralysis or as a bridge to a surgical solution.
Tantalum Eyelid Weight Sizing Set
The Tantalum Eyelid Weight Sizing Set allows physicians to determine the appropriate weight size for a given patient when selecting either MedDev internal or external eyelid weight.

EyeClose® Double-Sided Adhesive Strips
Hypoallergenic adhesive strips for attaching Blinkeze External Lid Weights in a kit including 100 double-sided strips, a mirror and detailed instructions.