I know that exercise is a great way of keeping my hands healthy and strong...How can the Ultimate Hand Helper ®hand exerciser help me? The Hand Helper hand exerciser was invented over 40 years ago by an innovative engineer named Harry Rachford for his wife recovering from a stroke in the hospital. He designed it to restore her hand function and strength and it was found to be effective. With additional use, his wife also was able to increase her hand?s overall range-of-motion and improve her flexibility. The Hand Helper was touted a miraculous success, so much so that additional Hand Helper prototypes were created and that was the start of a great exerciser. Today, the Ultimate Hand Helper?s curved design makes it easier than ever to preferentially exercise specific muscle and tendon groups in the the hand and forearm. The unique design helps to improve circulation and relieve joint stiffness and improve hand and finger coordination?important to the arthritic sufferer. Musicians and computer users, relieve keyboard fatigue, minimize repetitive stress injuries while developing hand and finger dexterity. My joints are stiff and painful. How can I benefit from using the Ultimate Hand Helper ®hand exerciser? The Ultimate Hand Helper hand exerciser was not designed with the bodybuilder in mind. While many people use the Ultimate Hand Helper hand exerciser to strengthen their hands, the rebuilding of hand strength is often only a side-benefit to relieving painful, stiff joints. Everyday exercise improves circulation, which is very important to someone with arthritis. With no regular exercise the hand?s ability to function properly diminishes, range of motion decreases and hand strength weakens. Daily exercising with the Ultimate Hand Helper hand exerciser helps to increase the hand?s overall range-of-motion and strength to naturally keep your hands active and your joints pain-free. What types of exercises can I perform with the Hand Helper hand exerciser? There are four exercises (fingertip flexion, finger flexion, finger base knuckle joint flexion and composite flexion) that preferentially exercise specific muscle and tendon groups of the hand and forearm. All of these exercises can be combined or performed individually to address specific hand concerns. Additionally, the three varied resistance color-coded, elastic bands permit infinite choices in levels of résistance. (TOP) How frequently should I use the Ultimate Hand Helper hand exerciser? The Hand Helper family of hand exercise products are intended to be used daily to assist in keeping hands active. Users are encouraged to take care when starting an exercise program; likewise, users should use common sense when using the exercisers.
1. If you are under the care of a healthcare professional, seek his/her advice regarding frequency, intensity and specific exercises that may be of benefit.
2. Position elastic bands securely around outside pegs.
3. Elastic bands can break with repetitive use. To avoid potential injury, do not hold exerciser near the face while exercising. Replace bands periodically.
4. The Hand Helper exerciser is not recommended for use by small children. How will my hand?s health/fitness be improved by using the Ultimate Hand Helper hand exerciser? The Ultimate Hand Helper hand exerciser was designed to address the needs of a wide group of users including active seniors, athletes, musicians, computer users, and those suffering from arthritis or other disabling conditions such carpal tunnel and those people looking to simply prevent the potential for this types of injuries. What if I need additional elastic bands or range-limit
clips? I?m not familiar with
Isometric exercise. How does your ISO Hand Helper hand exerciser product work? (TOP) Why should I choose the Ultimate Hand Helper hand exerciser? The Ultimate Hand Helper exerciser has been used professionally for hand strengthening, increasing range of motion and improving flexibility for years. These proven therapeutic benefits are now available for everyday use by people looking to restore and maintain active hands. Sports enthusiasts, musicians, RSI and CTS suffers as well as people with arthritis find the Ultimate Hand Helper exerciser invaluable. There are a wide variety of people using the Ultimate Hand Helper including sports enthusiasts, active seniors, people with arthritis, RSI and CTS sufferers. Each group can benefit from them differently: Sports enthusiasts: hand and forearm strength, increased flexibility, increased circulation, increased range of motion. Active seniors: increased flexibility, increased circulation, increased range of motion, strengthening of the muscles in the hands and forearm. Arthritic: increased flexibility, relieve joint stiffness, increased range of motion, increased circulation. RSI and CTS sufferers: improved circulation and blood flow, improved flexibility, improves range of motion and relieves joint stiffness and pain. Which specific Hand Helper hand exerciser would I benefit most from using? There is an exerciser to meet
every need. Learn more by visiting our
product chart
which maps out benefits for each of the products. Visit out Helpful Links page for Web links to dozens of helpful websites. Additionally, if you would like more information on repetitive stress injuries or Carpal Tunnel Syndrome or benefits of gentle exercises check out these articles: (TOP)
©2006 MedDev Corporation. Ultimate Hand Helper, Thumb Helper and Soft Touch are registered trademarks of MedDev Corporation. Patent Nos. 6007,460. 429,782. 358,859. , and 5,611,755. Specifications are subject to change without notification. |